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CLASS 1956

October 13,14 & 15, 2006
DoubleTree Hotel
Johnson City, TN


The hospitality room opened on Friday and what a wonderful setup by David & Sandra Williams. Drinks & goodies were great. What a great time throughout the weekend watching football games and just plain talk.

Next came the picnic at Rotary Park. Thanks to Barbara W. Hundley, Sandra & Cecil Green and Patsy W. Brantly for the decorations. Gail S. Thompson and Jim Williams did a wonderful job registering everyone and handing out nametags. Teddy Rastall needs to be complimented for the feast we had from the House of Ribs.

We had a wonderful surprise as five of our classmates (past cheerleaders) wore football jerseys and led the group in the fight song. Thanks to Mary E. W. Coram (Dootsie), Barbara W. Hundley, Joan H. Lancaster, Carolyn M. Culp and Alice W. Lanier for providing this entertainment.

Thanks to Jane G. Ogle for reserving the pavilion for the picnic.

We had fiftyseven classmates with a total of ninetyseven attend the picnic. WONDERFUL!!!!

Thanks to Barbara W. Hundley for arranging for many of our classmates to attend the SHHS football game. Everyone enjoyed.

We have to thank Jim Hagy for trying to have golf available for Friday and Saturday, but due to the cool weather we had to forgo this activity.

Saturday began with the hospitality room being open and then several classmates, spouses & friends took a bus tour of Johnson City organized by Billy Jack Furches. It was a grand tour. Thanks, Billy!!!

The next event on Saturday was the dinner and entertainment by the "Off Broad Street Players" The entertainment was wonderful as it involved several classmates trying to solve a high school reunion murder.

What a wonderful dinner. The meal was selected by Gail S. Thompson and Jane G. Ogle.

We had three of our former teachers attend the dinner, Cot Presnell, Sid Smallwood and Frank Tannewitz and their guests. Thanks to Don Blackburn for extending the invitation to them.

Thanks to Bill Jones, Rev. Gail Lyon, Billy Furches and Richard Cox for handling the Memorial Service for our deceased classmates, which included praying for and lighting a candle for each of the thirtyfive deceased classmates.

The attendance was great. We had sixtyone classmates with a total of 107 (including the teachers and their guests) attend the dinner.

Sunday morning at 9:00 am, forty classmates, spouses and friends enjoyed a breakfast buffet at the hotel.

Thanks to Barbara W. Hundley for having the special gifts (pen and letter opener) made up for each classmates.

Thanks to Jane G. Ogle for helping me organize and type the Directory that was given to the classmates on Saturday evening.

I hope I have not left anything out, especially anyone that helped with the arrangements for the picnic and dinner and that provided items we needed.

The following classmates attended the Reunion:

Lewis Alexander
Betty Bennett Marks
John Berry
Peggy Bible Cranham
Don Blackburn
Gail Bolton Hoy
Ruth Etta Booze Cochran
Carolyn Broyles LeSueur
Bob Bryant
Peggy Clawson Elliott
Charles Conley
Richard Cox
Wayne Cox
Mike DeLoach
Marie Donnely Evenson
Ruth Fagans Lyon
Loretta Feathers Wilson
Billy Jack Furches
James Good
Sandra Graf Green
Jane Graves Ogle
Cecil Green
Jim Hagy
Rochelle Hisey Utsman
Phillip Kyle Holden
Joan Honeycutt Lancaster
Betty Hughes Morrison
Jane Hughes Sudderth
Ted Hutchins
Gerald Hyder
Alice Jones Torbett
Gary Jones
William Jones
Betty Jones Gouge
Ethel Kelly Reagan
Barbara Lambert Duncan
Larry Ledford
Gale Lyon
Tom McKamey
Pat McSwain Hancock
Carolyn Mettetal Culp
Andrea Millen Rich
Judy Minton Hamrick
John Moore
Cregg Moss
Roma Parker Gragg
David Patrick
Teddy Rastall
Tom Roberts
Gail Sechrest Thompson
P.C. Snapp
Patricia Sorrell Higdon
Elizabeth Tester Davis
Patsy Trivette Osborne
Joy Troutman Montgomery
Robert Utsman
Mary Nell Wallace Spaller
Irene Ward Moore
Richard Webb
Marion White
David Williams
Jim Williams
Patsy Williams Brantly
Barbara Willingham Hundley
Alice Wolfe Lanier
Mary E. "Dootsie" Wright Coram

Cot and Mary Presnell
Sid and Mary Lou Smallwood
Frank and Sarah Tannewitz

Marion J. White

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