Dootsie Wright Coram's Album |
We all meet twice a year and have been for about 15 years. We call them our mini reunions. David Patrick and wife Barbara, Andy Millen, Carolyn Goodman, Bill Furches and wife Susan often join us. We have become very close and love each other dearly. We have shared in joy and sorrow, and stood beside each other for everything. There is nothing we would not do for each other. Friends like these are priceless...
Spring 2004

From left: Sandra Graf Green, Sandra Williams, Dootsie Wright Coram holding Winnie Bella Rosa, Nan Whisman, and Carolyn Mettetal Culp.

From left: Barry Culp, Carolyn Mettetal's husband, Troy Coram, Dootsie's husband, Cecil Green, Tom Whisman, and David Williams.

How about those apples!. Carolyn, Dootsie and Sandra.

Carolyn and Barry Culp.

Standing: Sandra Williams, Sandra Graf Green, Dootsie Wright Coram, Carolyn Mettetal Culp, and Nan Whisman. Kneeling: David Williams, Cecil Green, Barry Culp and Tom Whisman.
Fall 2004
Puerto Vallarta Mexico, February 2005

Troy and Dootsie
Wright Coram, David and Sandra Williams

Barry and Carolyn Mettetal Culp, Nan and Tom Whisman.