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1981 Reunion Class Picture Index

1. Sandra Graf
2. Roma Parker
3. Peggy Bible
4. Gail Sechrest
5. Jean Garland
6. Gail Bolton
7. Carolyn Broyles
8. Marion White
9. Shirley Haines
10. Dootsie Wright
11. Elizabeth Tester
12. Jacqueline Henson
13. Mike DeLoach
14. Helen Taylor
15. Maxine Pierce
16. Shirley Tipton
17. Andrea Millen
18. David McPeak
19. Jim Good
20. Rochelle Hisey
21. Carolyn Buckner
22. Betty Bennett
23. Barbara Willingham
24. Pat Benfield
25. Cecil Green
26. Hugh Berry
27. David Williams
28. David Patrick
29. Bob Utsman
30. Bob Goodman
31. Gordon Nidiffer
32. P.C. Snapp

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